The Downs Syndrome support group held their Annual day event. The chidren presented lovely dance performances. This was followed by a lecture on anger management and life skiils for both parents and children by Dr Swati Bhave.
AACCI will be working with this group for various programs in future
Dr Swati Bhave gave a short session on tips for anger management this elite group of women Entrepreneurs in Pune which was much appreciated. A full day workshop is planned in near future.
Dr Swati Bhave who gave a lecture on Essentials of Adolescent Parenting. She was introduced by Dr Shailaja Mane Associate Professor of Pediatrics. There was a very good interaction from the audience. The Dean of DY Patil Dr. Vatsalaswamy also attended the session and gave the momento.
30 Boys of std IX were given an interactive lecture on all issues of puberty and growing up issues including media addiction and substance abuse etc. The children asked many varied questions. Faculty Dr Swati Y Bhave, Dr Swati Joshi, Dr Snehal Apte.
60 Boys of Std IX were given an interactive lecture on all issues of growing up including medial addiction and substance abuse. They were very interactive during the sessions and in their queries. Faculty Dr Swati Y Bhave, Dr Swati Joshi, Dr Snehal Apte. Principal Ms Leena Talathi was present during the session.
100 girls from VIII and IX std were given an interactive session. Various issues of puberty were discussed including menstruation and menstrual hygiene. There were lot of questions and girls were quite interactive. The principal was present during the session. Faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave, Dr Swati Joshi, and Dr Snehal Apte.
AACCI Multicentric on Internet addictions -3 Research papers were presented by Dr Latika Bhalla from Delhi. Details of the papers can be seen on Research.
Dr Swati Bhave was faculty and also presented school project of NCD child done in collaboration with AACCI in St Mary's school in Dwarka Delhi in 2015
Dr Swati Bhave was invited to conducted a session on personal hygiene and education on general health issues to 60 children in an orphan home (ages 5- 14 yrs) which is adapted by RCPK and who are being schooled in PMC school .The lecture was very much enjoyed by the children and there was a lot of interaction
Dr Swati Bhave gave a one hour lecture to 1st year Nursing college students .The topics discussed were issues of adolescent and youth and the problems faced due to relocation for higher studies and living away from parents in hostels .The additional faculty was Tanvi Sarpotdar. A lot of interaction took place and the feed back was excellent.
A lecture on Anger management was given to the members of Rotary club on an invitation There was a very good attendance .The lecture was very much appreciated and there were lot of questions asked at the end of the session .There was also a demand for a full day workshop which will soon be conducted. The President of the club Mr Ujwal Tawade gave a momento to Dr Swati Y Bhave.
Special educators for (master trainers for teachers & parents in rural Maharashtra appointed by Govt of Maharashtra, around 60 experts from all over Maharashtra. Faculty was Dr Swati Bhave and Dr Vijay Warad .The training was given on early detection of developmental delay, handling of specially challenged children. Handling the parental anxiety and educating parents was also taught .There were a lot of questions asked on the etiology of various developmental delays and genetics
The afternoon three hour session was for adolescents. This was held in the DNB library hall of Jehangir Hospital The topic was “How to get the best out of yourself in academics and extracurricular activities “The Faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave, Executive director AACCI, Dr Savita Gaikwad Psychiatrist. The format was group discussions and interactive power-point lectures .The children actively participated in the group discussions and presentation. The feedback was that they enjoyed and learnt a lot from this session
The First one hour session was for parents. This was held in the Training hall of Jehangir Hospital .The topic was “Electronic gadgets and Teens- cyber-safety -Protecting your teens from Dangers of Internet. This was part of the Parenting program launched by the Jehangir Hospital adolescent Clinic Parent and Teen program in Aug
The Faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave Executive director AACCI, Dr Savita Gaikwad Psychiatrist and Dr Swati Tikekar Family Physician. The parents were made aware about the various uses of internet and social media. They were explained the do’s and don’ts while using internet, password security , dangers of social media use , cyber bullying and many other aspects .The parents very much enjoyed the session and found it very informative and useful.
This was the first session of the Jehangir Hospital Adolescent Clinic Parenting and Teen program held in the DNB library hall of the Jehangir Hospital. The topic was “How to get the best out of your children in academics and extracurricular activities“The Faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave Executive director AACCI, Dr Savita Gaikwad Psychiatrist. The parents were made aware about the various aspects of academic success and importance of extra-curricular activities. After the session there was a lot of interaction and the parents asked a lot of questions.
Jehangir Hospital Pune organised an one hour session was organised by for all the staff  of this company, most who were young people below the age of 30-35 yrs. Speakers were Dr Swati Y Bhave and Dr Vijay Warad The Program was very much appreciated by the participants
A Life skill education orientation work shop was held for all the 400 IX std boys of this school -both English and Marathi Medium .The faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Dr Anuradha Sovani, Dr Surekha Joshi, Dr Vijay Warad Dr Arti Kinikar Dr Swati Joshi, Sujata Bhave, Dr Shailaja Mane, Snehal Apte, Dr Gaikwad, The program was very much appreciated by the students and teachers and a had good press coverage
AACCI was invited to participate by global body - NCD alliance ( ) for an important meeting of NGO’s in India, working on prevention of NCD Non-communicable diseases .AACCI was represented by the Executive director Dr Swati Y Bhave who brought to the table the Importance of beginning the prevention in the child and adolescent age group itself
AACCI was invited to participate for a WHO/SEARO for this important meeting of NGO's in South East Asia Countries , working on prevention of NCD Non-communicable diseases .The mission of AACCI is prevention of Life style diseases by a Life skill education based approach and has been working in schools, colleges, parents and teachers since its inception in 2007.
AACCI was represented by the Executive director Dr Swati Y Bhave who brought to the table the Importance of beginning the prevention in the child and adolescent age group itself. Dr Swati Bhave also represented NCD child as the member of its advisory council. AACCI is a member of NCD Child (
Left to right: at WHO SEARO meeting Dr Swati Y Bhave Executive Director AACCI Navmi Naik Program Manager American Cancer Society Sutapa Biswas Executive Director Cancer Foundation of India.