A full day workshop was held for learning how to handle exam stress for both parents and teens . Separate sessions were first taken a combined session for both sets The faculty included Dr Swati Bhave ED AACCI, Dr Naina Kinikar Professor of Pediatrics B.J Medical College Pune and Dr Shailaja Mane Associate Professor of Pediatrics DY Patil Medical College Pune .Interactive lectures and group discussions were taken
There were more than 200 trainee teachers . Dr Swati Bhave first discussed Child and adolescent abuse abuse : causes , detection and prevention and then she talked of use of life skills to prevent abuse and also sharing of AACCI experience of life skill training over last many years. The lecture was well appreciated and there were lots of questions asked.
AACCCI faculty presented 2 papers one oral and one poster
A full day workshop was held for learning how to parent adolescents . The faculty included Dr Swati Bhave ED AACCI who spoke on the brain development of adolescents ,Dr Anuradha Sovani Advisor AACCI who spoke on handling psyco-social development Dr Vijay Warad Senior Pediatrician from Pune spoke on styles of Parenting and Pallavi Kelkar Speech therapist at Jehangir spoke on communication skills . Role plays on good communication skills were demonstrated by the faculty The lectures were followed by group discussions and case scenarios with role plays by participants. The participants were highly qualifies parents who were doctors from different specialties, nursing and administrative staff from the Hospital
Dr Swati Bhave ED gave a 3 hour session on the following issues
1) importance of Adoelscent health for India and Medical personelle.
2) Why is it importance to have specialized adolescent health clinics ?
3) Understanding adolescent brain development.
The participants included doctors, nurses and other administrative staff.The session was also attended by the CEO Dr Manisha Bobade , the Executive Assistant Dr Rakesh Shah, head Marketing Akhil Dave . It was a very interactive session and well appreciated
A number of AACCI core faculty attended this conference .Research papers were presented by Dr Latika Bhalla, Sunita Manchanda and Dr Anjali Saxena .Awards were won by Dr Latika Bhalla, Sunita Manchanda. More details of this can be see in the website at Research
A program was organized by STIMULUS a Preschool in NOIDA , NCR Delhi , from 11am to 1 pm for parents for learning common behavioral issues in children aged 2-5 yrs .This was conducted by ED Dr Swati Y Bhave assisted by Divyakshi Gupta .There were more than 50 parents and the lecture included causes and management of fussy eating , temper tantrums, defiant behaviour etc .the topics chosen were based on questions that were written and sent by parents a week prior to the program . The program was also attended by the Principal Amita Lalit and teachers of the school .The program was highly appreciated and there were still many more new questions in addition to the ones already submitted