Dr Sujata Kanhere core faculty AACCI and Professor f Pediatrics, organized a update for the medical faculty of KJ Soumaiya Medical College for understanding various adolescent issues which will help to deal with the teens that come to the hospital as patients and also dealing with teens as parents at home . The update was inaugurated by the Dean Dr Niyogi and well attended by nearly 100 participants including the medical Superintendent Dr Jaju and HOD pediatric Dr Varsha . The speakers were Dr Swati Y Bhave , Dr Anuradha Sovani and Dr Jay Shastri . the topic covered were understanding adolescent brain development , romantic relationships and different sexual orientation . The issue of internet addiction and cybersafety was also dealt with. There was a very interactive question answer session and all the speakers were panelists
AACCI was an Invited co-sponsor in this conference. We held a 2 hour symposium on the first day on the AACCI project on prevention of violence and aggression in children and adolescents. The speakers were Dr Swati Y Bhave, Dr Anuradha Sovani, Dr Surekha Joshi and Jay Shastri. Dr Swati Bhave was invited to be chairperson in one of the technical paper session on 9th On 7th and 9th three research papers were presented by Swetha V, Dr Surekha Joshi and Dr Paula Goel in the various Technical paper session. The detailed topics of these sessions can be viewed in Research section in this website
This was the second program under this collaboration of rural schools. This was one of the few private co-ed schools in the village. Though this was an English speaking school many of the children are from a lower socioeconomic background This is a small school having 482 students .The program was conducted on 77 boys and girls from classes VIII to XI 7 by a team consisting of Dr Swati Bhave, Dr Jugal Kishore, Dr Tanu Anand, and Dr Pallavi and from MAMC. The interactive lecture session included movie clips and the children were also were taught anger management techniques. They were administered the CDC scale for aggression behavior, beliefs and attitudes It is planned to conduct a master trainer workshop for the teachers of this school.
AACCI has launched the project for prevention of violence and aggression in children. We have created modules for students, parents and children for this in English. This module was translated in Hindi with the help of AACCI core faculty Padmashree Dr Pukhraj Bafna Collaboration has been started with MAMC community Medicine Dept and this Hindi module was pilot tested on nearly 90 girl students belonging to the lower SE group mainly slums around Prahaldpur in a NDMC school This charity program was conducted by a team consisting of Dr Swati Bhave, Dr Sangeeta Yadav, Dr Jugal Kishore and Dr Tanu Anand The contents of the workshop included a lecture in with Hindi slides and then two sessions on group discussions and relevant case scenarios .The girls were also were taught anger management techniques. The principal Mrs. Shashi Prabha and teachers were present as observers. The program was really enjoyed by everyone
Dr Swati Bhave conducted a one day program for the senior managers of AAI this program was specially customized for the participants after doing a pre-workshop survey understanding the causes of stress and the life style of the participants
The contents of the workshop included understanding stress, management of stress, coping with emotions and importance of healthy life style and prevention of life style diseases. She also gave them hands on training for meditation, stretching exercises, relaxation techniques which they could do both at home and office. The Program was highly appreciated.
Those who want such programs conducted for them can contact Dr Swati Bhave at aacciindia@gmail.com
Dr Swati Bhave conducted a one day program for the women executives of BPCL) Bharat Petroleum corporation limited) this program was specially customized for the personal growth of women employees who have to balance a professional career and also manage the home.
The contents of the workshop included understanding stress, management of stress, coping with emotions and healthy life style. She also gave detailed about healthy nutritious diet and healthy way of losing weight. A session included on what a woman should do to monitor her health and gynecological issues .She also gave them hands on training for meditation , stretching exercises , relaxation techniques which they could do both at home and office . The Program was highly appreciated.
Those who want such programs conducted for them can contact Dr Swati Bhave at aacciindia@gmail.com
AACCI has developed 3 training modules for master trainers to conduct programs for creating awareness and capacity building of teachers, students and children to prevent and empower with ability to cope up with violence.
AACCI faculty lead by Dr Swati Y Bhave explained the way to use these modules in the orientation program .This module has lectures, interactive sessions that include group discussions and case scenarios. There were over 50 participants who included doctors –pediatricians, adol experts, principals, teachers, counselors, educationists from many parts of the country.
This program has been highly appreciated by everyone and AACCI faculty has received many invitations to conduct this training program in their schools to train their staff so that they can carry forward this program in their school for many years to come Those schools who are interested in holding programs in their schools can contact us at aacciindia@gmail.com
(The pilot testing of the students module was done at Blue Bell School Gurgaon on 11th July 2012 on 40 children from VIII- X std and also field tested on nearly 700 students from std I-X at Activity School Mumbai on 20th and 21st July 2012 .The principal also organized a day long workshop for 50 parents and 25 teachers where the parent and teacher modules were also field tested. The details of these events are given below in the news and events of July 2012)
For more about this meeting please see link "AACCI project on "Prevention of Violence and Aggression in children and Youth" on this page itself.
For more photos of this event please see photo gallery
In view of the escalating violence in many cities of India which involves children and youth in various aspects, AACCI decide to spearhead a project that will get together all stake holders to plan practical interventions which are doable at various levels .This Project is the brain child of Dr Swati Y Bhave Executive Director AACCI This meeting was Co-hosted by ISHP -Indian Society of Healthcare Professionals represented by Dr Anuradha Khairnar from Delhi.
The Key lecture was given by renowned psychiatrist: Dr Shekhar Seshadri from NIMHANS, Bangalore, There were over 90 participants who came from a very diverse group of experts, doctors from various specialties- pediatricians, adolescent specialists, family physicians, Psychologists and clinical psychologists , principals, teachers, counselors, legal experts, media experts, social scientists, educationist , parents and representatives from various NGOS.
A unique feature of this meet was that there was participation from school students Std VI-XII from two schools "Baswa International School , Dwarka and Ventkateshwar International School Dwarka who took active part in the deliberations. There was representation from college students in Delhi also Group discussions were held under varius themes: interventions at parental, school, college, community levels, legal aspects, special situations like rural, tribal and urban slums and specially challenged children. The recommendations brought out in this consultative meeting will soon be published Three manuals prepared by AACCI for this project for parents teachers and students were released on this occasion along with the CD made by AACCI which contained in addition to the modules a lot of resource material on this subject
Workshop for over 550 Children from STD V-X -for prevention and violence and aggression in children and adolescents
The over view lecture which had colorful slides with pictures and movie clips was given by Dr Swati Y Bhave ,and Jay Shastri .The other faculty for coordinating group discussions were – Dr Paula Goel, Dr Surekha Joshi , Prof Katy Gandevia, Niyati Gandhi and Bindiya B The participants enjoyed and learned while having fun doing role plays and case scenarios AACCI group taught the children techniques for relaxation like visual imagery and progressive muscular relaxation
Dr Swati Y Bhave and Dr Jay Shastri conducting plenary session with Prof Katy Gandevia in the first row
Children doing relaxation techniques progressive muscular relaxation and visual imagery
Workshop for 194 Children from STD I-IV for prevention and violence and aggression in children and adolescents The over view lecture which had colorful slides with pictures and movie clips was given by Dr Swati Y Bhave ,.The other faculty for coordinating group discussions were "Dr Anuradha Sovani , Dr Jay Shastri Dr Paula Goel, Dr Surekha Joshi , Prof Katy Gandevia, Swetha V, Niyati Gandhi and Bindiya B The participants enjoyed and learned while having fun doing role plays and case scenarios AACCI group had created very novel games to teach children about moods, anger management and techniques for relaxation
Workshop for parents and teachers for prevention and violence and aggression in children and adolescents
There were 50 parents and 25 teachers' .The Principal Perin Bagli was present throughout the day long workshop
The speakers were Dr Swati Y Bhave , Dr Anuradha Sovani , Dr Jay Shastri .The other faculty for coordinating group discussions "Dr Paula Goel, Dr Surekha Joshi
The participants enjoyed and learned while having fun doing role plays and case scenarios
Pilot testing of AACCI module on Prevention of Aggression and Violence in children for VIII-X students
40 children 10 each from VIII X XI XII classes were the participants of this workshop. The faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave and Dr Anjali Saxena The children enjoyed the workshop and also took part in filling in a research survey on aggression behavior, attitudes and beliefs
Follow-up meeting about the AACCI collaboration for Supercourse
AACCI has entered into collaboration Dr Ronald Laporte, Graduate school of public health, University of Pittsburgh USA which is also a WHO collaborating centre.
AACCI has collaboration with Blue Bell Group of schools Gurgaon and has conducted many life skill and other programs for the students .these students participated at the INTERNATIONAL LIFE SKILL SCHOOL HEALTH AND WELLNESS SUMMIT 2012 was held at India Islamic Cultural centre between 19 and 22 April 2012.
On the first day of the summit, Students put up a stall showcasing the healthy practices viz, the LSE Workshop the AEP Club activities such as Vatsalya mela, Pedicon 2012, activities on gender bias and empathy, collage competition on anger management etc conducted in the school during the session, under aegis of AEP and Life Skills Education Program . Blue Bells Group of Schools participated in the health Quiz, elocution and the Youth parliament. Radhika of class IX bagged a second prize in the wellness elocution. Various adolescent health related issues were taken up in the youth parliament to form a mandate for further discussion.