From 02/03/2010 to 05/03/2010- NAGPUR
A four day workshop orientation program for master trainers on Life skill education for adolescents was conducted by AACCI - in collaboration with CIBS in Nagpur There were 20 participants
First two days of the workshop was conducted in CIBS.
The next two days was a hands on experience of conducting a LSE workshop for 9th std students at a Low socioeconomic sector school in Nagpur
Day 1:-CIBSThe following lectures were taken by the AACCI_CIBS faculty
Dr. Mohta - "Physical aspects of adolescents i.e. "Know Your Body". and "Life skill program."
Dr. Patil - "Introduction of Nutrition, Physical Activities and Life style Diseases".
Dr. Chorghade -"Understanding Adolescent's Psychology". "Ideal Personality"
Dr. Pangaonkar - "Mental Health Problems in Adolescent" and "Challenges of Next Generation."
He also gave a over view about the School Mental Health Program.
This was conducted by Dr Swati Bhave
The following were demonstrated in a interactive and participatory way.
Brain storming, group discussions, role plays, VIPP, interactive sessions Tips for facilitators for handling adolescents
and the difference between facilitators and teachers were well demonstrated.
This was a program organised by the women's wing IMA Pune .The audience consisted of lady doctors and parents.
Dr Bhave gave a detailed presentation on causes and prevention of suicide and also medical management. The other speaker was Anagha Lovalekar from Jnana Prabodhini and she spoke of/on sexual abuse and related depression and suicide.
Dr Swati Bhave then conducted an active Interactive question answer session.
The program was attended by over 50 doctors and parents and there was an excellent feedback with invitations to do this program in their Institutions
There were 65 participants in the age group of 17-19 yrs. This was phase II of the AACCI - DY Patil Collaboration for LSE and prevention of healthy life style for medical and Nursing students. The AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave and Neelam Oswal and the paediatricians from the Dept of Pediatrics of DY Patil medical college: Drs Sharad Agarkhedkar, Shailaja Mane, Geeta, Renuka and Vinita.
Similar to the workshop conducted in Sept' 09, the participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .A QUIZ was also conducted on healthy life style.
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop
This was a program organised by DY Patil Medical College under the joint banner of AACCI .The Dean Brig Amarjeet Singh inaugurated the program .The introduction to understanding adolescence was given by Dr Sharad Agarkedkar, Prof & HOD of Dept of pediatrics . Dr Swati Y Bhave, Executive Director AACCI delivered a lecture on what causes suicide and how parents, teachers can prevent this. Sanjukta Deshpande a Clinical psychologist also gave valuable suggestions on this topic.
Dr Bhave then conducted an active Interactive question answer session where some participants shared their experiences of being a close friend or relative of a person committing suicide. Dr Bhave counselled on how to deal with this situation.
The program was attended by over 150 parents and teachers and there was an excellent feedback with invitations to do this program in their Institutions
This was the first AACCI LSE workshop for engineering students. There were 65 participants of the post graduate M tech class and the age group was 22-24. This is an AACCI innovation of conducting LSE for youth . The AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave and Surekha Joshi from Mumbai and Dr TS Jain from Delhi.
It was heartening to see that this older age group also enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .The gender debate was hotly contested. As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop.
AACCI will go into collaboration with IIIT mentors to do programs for the students of Rajeev Gandhi Rural Institute in Andhra Pradesh.
This was the first AACCI workshop for Nursing students . There were 65 participants in the age group of 20-22 yrs The AACCI faculty was Drs Swati Bhave , Harish Pemde , Dr TS Jain , Sangeeta Yadav from Delhi and other adolescent specialists of Delhi Dr Ravi Gupta, Shrikant Basu. Since there were 2 suicide cases in this college a special session on suicide prevention was also conducted It was heartening to see that this older age group also enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales.
As part of the stress management session, there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditations and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop AACCI will go into collaboration with this college for future programs and training the teachers.
This was organised by the Principal of Modern high school, Neeru Kapai. Dr Swati Bhave delivered a lecture on role of teachers in handling adolescent students. There was a lecture by Dr Shirish on cognitive behavioural therapy.
There was a lot of interaction in the question answer session. Teachers were asked to put questions in the question box anonymously. Based on these questions a detailed discussion was made on dealing with internet and pornographic addiction of school students. Many questions on sexuality issues were also answered.
AACCI will collaborate with Modern High school for training teachers and doing LSE workshops in the school.
This was the first AACCI workshop for 9th std school students .There were 65 participants in the age group of 13-15 yrs. AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Sweta V from Mumbai and Neelam Oswal from Phaltan . The faculty from Nagpur was Dr Shrikant Chorghade Coordinator Nagpur AACCI and adolescent experts Drs Rajiv Mohta and RG Patil.
The participants chosen were problem children that had some issue in school . The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities. Many of the participants came to the faculty to discuss and seek guidance for personal issues.
A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .The gender debate was very enthusiastically participated.
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas pranayama, meditations and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop.
AACCI will do collaboration with Centre Point School for training teachers and doing LSE workshops in the school
This was organised by the Principal of Centre Point School, Aruna Salve. She gave an introductory lecture. Dr Swati Bhave delivered a lecture on understanding adolescence role of teachers in handling adolescent students. Dr Shrikant Chorghade Coordinator AACCI Nagpur spoke on how to communicate with your adolescents. The other speakers were adolescent specialists from Nagpur, Drs Rajiv Mohta and RG Patil. There was a lot of interaction in the question answer session. Parents and Teachers were also asked to put questions in the question box anonymously. Based on these questions a detailed discussion was made on individual problems presented.
AACCI will collaborate with Centre Point School for programs for training teachers and parenting workshops.
In collaboration with Centre for Behavioural sciences (CIBS), Nagpur
This was organised by the CIBS. There were more than 100 parents of children of all ages including some teen age children. There were three speakers, Dr Shailash Pangaonkar Director of CIBS, Dr Swati Bhave and Dr Shrikant Chorghade Coordinator Nagpur AACCI . After short lectures on various issues of children and adolescents, there was open forum and a lot of interaction. The questions went beyond he stipulated one hour and had to be closed down after two hours due the exhaustion of the panellists.
AACCI - CIBS have planned a lot of collaborations
This was organised by the principal of the South Point School, Neeru Kapai. Dr Swati Bhave gave a lecture on role of teachers in handling adolescent students. DR Shrikant Chorghade coordinator of AACCI Nagpur group gave a lecture on Identity crisis in Adolescents and Dr Rajiv Mohta spoke on Puberty in Adolescents. There was a lot of interaction in the question answer session. Teachers were asked to put questions in the question box anonymously. Based on these questions a detailed discussion was made on dealing with internet and pornographic addiction of school students. Many questions regarding sexuality issues were also answered.
AACCI will collaborate with South Point School for training teachers and doing LSE workshops in the school
This was the first AACCI workshop for medical students .There were 50 participants in the age group of 17-19 yrs. AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Surekha Joshi, Sweta V from Mumbai and Neelam Oswal from Phaltan .The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .The gender debate was very enthusiastically participated.
A special session was held on prevention of suicide and dealing with ragging
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop
AACCI will set up collaboration for LSE education and preventing Life style diseases in medical student with DY Patil Pediatrics Dept.
This was the first AACCI master trainer LSE workshop conducted .There were 30 participants and these included the entire staff from the Pediatrics Dept of DY Patil Medical College Pune. Other participants were paediatricians, clinical psychologists, parents, teachers and soft skill experts from Pune, Mumbai, and Nagpur & Phaltan. The trainer was Dr Swati Bhave .The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities.
AACCI will set up collaboration for LSE education and preventing Life style diseases in medical student with DY Patil Pediatrics Dept.