We do interactive workshops with role plays and group discussion to empower adolescents to deal with these issues .Skills can be developed only by these methods.
We also conduct peer educator programs.
We have a large number of training program modules on various topics that are listed in our brochure.
View BrochuresWe conduct them over a half day or full day depending upon the need.
We also have the expertise to create customised modules
The Fees are charged based on upon the socioeconomic status of the participants and the Institution that invites us for the program. Click here for inviting us for workshops
Our faculty have been working with adolescents over many years and the team has been appreciated by participants over years.
The team consists of highly educated doctors and other professionals who are already having a full time profession and give time for these programs as they all have a passion for adolescent well being.
AACCI in collaboration with Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science, Pune conducted session of Life Skills Workshop for Adolescents on 2ns March 2021.
Dr. Samir Shah, Dr. Prashant Kariya and Dr. Sandeep Kavade for conducting and Year BSc. students organised by student welfare committee on 29 & 30 January, 2021.
Students found the program very informative and meaningful for their day to day lives. They expressed a desire for more such life skills sessions.
AACCI in collaboration with Vatsalya Mother Child Care, Bhosari conducted Second session of Life Skills Workshop for Adolescents on 10th November 2019 at Vatsalya Hospital.
Two sessions of 3 hours each were held separately for 13 Teens from age 9 to 13 years, and 10 age 13 to 16 years. The skills discussed in this Second session included Coping with Emotions, Coping with Stress, Inter Personal Relationship. All teens actively participated in discussions. Poster making & Presentations were done by teens on Problems, feelings, solutions in various facets of life.
The session was conducted by Dr Swati Bhave and, she discussed issues with the teens and gave her experienced insights. Dr Sandeep Kavade, Dr Shankar Gore, and Mrs Kalyani Pethkar, Dr Archana Kavade, were the other faculty. Other volunteers for programme were Dr Priya Srinivas, Dr Nitin Dani, Paresh Kumbhar and Roshan Prasad.
The last session of this workshop is planned on 24 November to discuss thinking and decision-making skills.
AACCI has started a Collaboration with Vatsalya mother and child care hospital, at Bhosari,Pune The first activity was a two days master training workshop on Life skill education for 17 doctors and staff of this hospital. An interactive session for adolescents was taken as demonstration for rapport building with adolescents in which the children of the doctors and child and teen patients of the hospital participated The course Director was Dr Swati Y Bhave and co course director was Dr Shailaja Mane. Other faculty were AACCI faculty Dr.Bageshree Deokar and Savita Itkarkar
A two day Master trainer course for Life skill education for adult trainers and Peer Educators was organized by AACCI in collaboration with the Dept of Pediatrics, Dr DY Patil Medical College, Pune.
The course coordinators were Dr Swati Y Bhave and Dr Sharad Agarkhdekar and Dr Shailaja Mane was a Joint coordinator. Other faculties were Dr Surekha Joshi from AACCI Dr Geeta Karamblekar, Dr Snehal Apte, and Dr Sharmila Gujar from AACCI Pune. The peer educators and junior faculty for this program were Sourabh Mane and Dr Priyanka Lakhwani. Certificate distribution was done by the auspicious hands of Brig.Dr.Amarjeetsing, Dean Dr.Bhawalkar and Head of Department, Dr. Sharad Agarkhedkar in valedictory ceremony. There were 35 participants from all over India (9 states and 17 cities) .They were from different professions but working for adolescents and interested in LSE.
They consisted of representatives from Organizations.
Individual experts were pediatricians, Dentist, Auryvedic doctor, Engineer, Molecular Physicist, Physiotherapist, clinical psychologists, Rural developments MBA's, social workers etc
Hands on session of taking LSE program on "coping with emotions " was demonstrated by Dr Swati Y Bhave on 35 final year medical students of Dr D Y Patil Medical College, Pune on the second day of the course.
The feedback from the trainees was excellent with requests for such training program in various parts of the country.
This was the 6 th session of LSE in this school. Total 60 students of standard 10th B division attended the session The life skill covered in this session were- Coping with Emotions and anger management . Format was Lectures and role plays. Awareness and education was also on progressive relaxation technique was made The faculty were Dr. Swati Joshi and Dr. Snehal Apte. Principal Mrs. Leena Talathi was very enthusiastic and cooperative Principal Mrs. Leena Talathi was very enthusiastic and cooperative.
This was the 5th session of LSE in this school. Total 60 students of standard 10th A division attended the session The life skill covered in this session were- Coping with Emotions and anger management . Format was Lectures and role plays. Awareness and education was also on progressive relaxation technique was made The faculty were Dr. Swati Joshi and Dr. Snehal Apte. Principal Mrs. Leena Talathi was very enthusiastic and cooperative .. The Interactive session was very much enjoyed.
This was the 5th session of LSE in this school. Total 60 students of standard 10th A division attended the session The life skill covered in this session were- Coping with Emotions and anger management . Format was Lectures and role plays. Awareness and education was also on progressive relaxation technique was made The faculty were Dr. Swati Joshi and Dr. Snehal Apte. Principal Mrs. Leena Talathi was very enthusiastic and cooperative .. The Interactive session was very much enjoyed.
This was the 4th session of LSE in this school .The first was conducted on 5th July Total 60 students of standard 10 th B division attended the session The life skill covered in this session were 1) Communication skills and handling peer pressure. Format was that of Lectures and role plays Awareness and education was also given on substance abuse The faculty were Dr. Swati Joshi and Dr. Snehal Apte.The Interactive session was very much enjoyed.
This was the 3rd session of LSE in this school .The first was conducted on 5th July Total 60 students of standard 10 th A division attended the session The life skill covered in this session were 1) Communication skills and handling peer pressure. Format was that of Lectures and role plays Awareness and education was also given on substance abuse The faculty were Dr. Swati Joshi and Dr. Snehal Apte. The Interactive session was very much enjoyed.
AACCI has developed a LIFE SKILL EDUCATION training program for school students. This was the 1st session in the school. Total 60 students of standard 10 th A division attended the session The facultywere Dr. Swati Joshi and Dr. Snehal Apte. They delivered lectures to explain the different life skills and how they are useful for day today activities. They also did role plays to explain life skills Story telling method was also used. The skill taken in this session was on "self - awareness"
The Department of Pediatrics had organized a Contact course for pediatricians registered for the "Certificate Course in Adolescent Pediatrics" at Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune from 27th Feb to 5th March 2017.
As a part of this course a life skill education workshop was conducted for 8th std. students in Vidya Niketan School in Pimpri, Total 56 students (Boys & Girls) actively participated in this workshop. Dr. Swati Bhave & Dr. Shailaja Mane conducted this workshop. Role plays of students and faculties (Students of Course in Adolescent Health) were highly effective and appreciated by all. Interactive Question answers session was very much helpful. Principal and Teachers of this school had requested to conduct further such sessions in the school for students and teacher as well.
The Downs Syndrome support group held their Annual day event. The chidren presented lovely dance performances. This was followed by a lecture on anger management and life skiils for both parents and children by Dr Swati Bhave.
AACCI will be working with this group for various programs in future
A Life skill education orientation work shop was held for all the 400 IX std boys of this school -both English and Marathi Medium .The faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Dr Anuradha Sovani, Dr Surekha Joshi, Dr Vijay Warad Dr Arti Kinikar Dr Swati Joshi, Sujata Bhave, Dr Shailaja Mane, Snehal Apte, Dr Gaikwad, The program was very much appreciated by the students and teachers and a had good press coverage
Dr Swati Y Bhave was invited as chief guest for the Valedictory function of GENESIS- The Adolescence Education and Life Skills Programme Week organized by Blue Bell Public School Sec -10 Gurgaon for the students of classes 6th to 11th Nov 2012 .Various activities were planned by Dr Alka Saxena the coordinator of Adolescent health.Some of them were: poster making, jingle making, collage making, magazine making, street play, critical thinking games, quiz, etc. All of these were based on themes like gender equality, emotions, substance abuse, female foeticide, nutrition, etc. Dr Bhave and other dignitaries distributed prizes. In her chief Guest address she encouraged the students them to make the most of their school years as this is the best period of human life and actively take part in all the events and activities, as this will make them more confident and help them in becoming independent in adult life.
AACCI has collaboration with Blue Bell Group of schools Gurgaon and has conducted many life skill and other programs for the students .these students participated at the INTERNATIONAL LIFE SKILL SCHOOL HEALTH AND WELLNESS SUMMIT 2012 was held at India Islamic Cultural centre between 19 and 22 April 2012.
On the first day of the summit, Students put up a stall showcasing the healthy practices viz, the LSE Workshop the AEP Club activities such as Vatsalya mela, Pedicon 2012, activities on gender bias and empathy, collage competition on anger management etc conducted in the school during the session, under aegis of AEP and Life Skills Education Program . Blue Bells Group of Schools participated in the health Quiz, elocution and the Youth parliament. Radhika of class IX bagged a second prize in the wellness elocution. Various adolescent health related issues were taken up in the youth parliament to form a mandate for further discussion.
A preconfernce one day workshop was organised by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics as part of their Annual conference at Gurgaon. The faculty for the workshop were Dr Swati Bhave, Dr Alka Saxena, Dr T.S.jain, Dr Sangeeta yadav, Dr Anjali Saxena and Dr Anajli Nayar. 30 Pediatricians from all over the country particiapted and very much enjoyed the training in the morning session. In the afternoon a hands on session was organised with the 9th std scool children at Blue Bell School Gurgaon
As part of the master trainer program of AACCI LSE conducted in New Delhi, this workshop was organised as hands on training for the trainees. it was organsied by Dr Alka Saxena and other faculty apart from Dr Bhave were Dr Anjali Saxena and Dr Anjali Nayar
The fourth master trainer AACCI LSE workshop was organised at New Delhi
Dr Swati Bhave was invited at the Annual IMA conference held at Jaipur to share her experience of AACCI life skill education workshops conducted in school and college children
Dr Sangeeta Yadav core Faculty gave a lecture on Orientation to Life skills to the first year Medical college students of MAMC ( Maulana Azad Medical College )
In August 2010 Dr Sangeeta Yadav core Faculty gave a lecture on Orientation to Life skills to the first year Medical college students of MAMC
On 4th Sep a session on understanding dolescence and coping with Emotions was taken for the students. Nearly 100 students attended The students really enjoyed the sessions A number of questionnaires were given to the students to fill anger expression , exam anxiety , General Health Quotient etc .These are being analysed
It was attended by 300 students Faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave and Dr Alka Saxena Topics discussed were Understanding adolescence Communicating skills The participants were given various questionnaires to fill like peer pressure, anger expression, examination anxiety , general health quotient etc These will be analysed and presented at various forthcoming conference
Dr Swati Bhave was in invited to give a lecture in the plenary session on Innovative methods of life skill education. AACCI faculty in collaboration with DY Patil Medical college Pune and CIBS Nagpur presented six research papers.
From 02/03/2010 to 05/03/2010- NAGPUR
A four day workshop orientation program for master trainers on Life skill education for adolescents was conducted by AACCI - in collaboration with CIBS in Nagpur There were 20 participants
First two days of the workshop was conducted in CIBS.
The next two days was a hands on experience of conducting a LSE workshop for 9th std students at a Low socioeconomic sector school in Nagpur
Day 1:-CIBSThe following lectures were taken by the AACCI_CIBS faculty
Dr. Mohta - "Physical aspects of adolescents i.e. "Know Your Body". and "Life skill program."
Dr. Patil - "Introduction of Nutrition, Physical Activities and Life style Diseases".
Dr. Chorghade -"Understanding Adolescent's Psychology". "Ideal Personality"
Dr. Pangaonkar - "Mental Health Problems in Adolescent" and "Challenges of Next Generation."
He also gave a over view about the School Mental Health Program.
This was conducted by Dr Swati Bhave
The following were demonstrated in a interactive and participatory way.
Brain storming, group discussions, role plays, VIPP, interactive sessions Tips for facilitators for handling adolescents
and the difference between facilitators and teachers were well demonstrated.
There were 65 participants in the age group of 17-19 yrs. This was phase II of the AACCI - DY Patil Collaboration for LSE and prevention of healthy life style for medical and Nursing students. The AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave and Neelam Oswal and the paediatricians from the Dept of Pediatrics of DY Patil medical college: Drs Sharad Agarkhedkar, Shailaja Mane, Geeta, Renuka and Vinita.
Similar to the workshop conducted in Sept' 09, the participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .A QUIZ was also conducted on healthy life style.
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop
This was the first AACCI LSE workshop for engineering students. There were 65 participants of the post graduate M tech class and the age group was 22-24. This is an AACCI innovation of conducting LSE for youth . The AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave and Surekha Joshi from Mumbai and Dr TS Jain from Delhi.
It was heartening to see that this older age group also enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .The gender debate was hotly contested. As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop.
AACCI will go into collaboration with IIIT mentors to do programs for the students of Rajeev Gandhi Rural Institute in Andhra Pradesh.
This was the first AACCI workshop for Nursing students . There were 65 participants in the age group of 20-22 yrs The AACCI faculty was Drs Swati Bhave , Harish Pemde , Dr TS Jain , Sangeeta Yadav from Delhi and other adolescent specialists of Delhi Dr Ravi Gupta, Shrikant Basu. Since there were 2 suicide cases in this college a special session on suicide prevention was also conducted It was heartening to see that this older age group also enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales.
As part of the stress management session, there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditations and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop AACCI will go into collaboration with this college for future programs and training the teachers.
This was the first AACCI workshop for 9th std school students .There were 65 participants in the age group of 13-15 yrs. AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Sweta V from Mumbai and Neelam Oswal from Phaltan . The faculty from Nagpur was Dr Shrikant Chorghade Coordinator Nagpur AACCI and adolescent experts Drs Rajiv Mohta and RG Patil.
The participants chosen were problem children that had some issue in school . The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities. Many of the participants came to the faculty to discuss and seek guidance for personal issues.
A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .The gender debate was very enthusiastically participated.
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas pranayama, meditations and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop.
AACCI will do collaboration with Centre Point School for training teachers and doing LSE workshops in the school
This was the first AACCI workshop for medical students .There were 50 participants in the age group of 17-19 yrs. AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Surekha Joshi, Sweta V from Mumbai and Neelam Oswal from Phaltan .The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .The gender debate was very enthusiastically participated.
A special session was held on prevention of suicide and dealing with ragging
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop
AACCI will set up collaboration for LSE education and preventing Life style diseases in medical student with DY Patil Pediatrics Dept.
This was the first AACCI master trainer LSE workshop conducted .There were 30 participants and these included the entire staff from the Pediatrics Dept of DY Patil Medical College Pune. Other participants were paediatricians, clinical psychologists, parents, teachers and soft skill experts from Pune, Mumbai, and Nagpur & Phaltan. The trainer was Dr Swati Bhave .The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities.
AACCI will set up collaboration for LSE education and preventing Life style diseases in medical student with DY Patil Pediatrics Dept.
This was the first AACCI workshop for Vocational students .There were 54 participants in the age group of 17-21 yrs. AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Surekha Joshi, Sweta V and Geeta Malhotra from Expressions India from New Delhi . The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety and general health scales .The gender debate was very enthusiastically participated.
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop A special module to prevent drug abuse was conducted
This was the first AACCI workshop for first year junior college in Mumbai. There were 50 participants in the age group of 17-19 yrs Though the venue was KC college there were many other colleges whose students attended this workshop AACCI faculty was Dr Swati Bhave, Surekha Joshi, Sujata Kanhere from Mumbai Dr Harish Pemde from Delhi and Dr Aruna Jadish from Bangalore. Divya Prasad from expressions India from Delhi was the lead facilitator.
The participants were very happy and enjoyed the role play and other activities. A research element was also included by taking survey of their life style, anger, anxiety. The healthy life style workshop focussed on importance of proper diet, sleep and exercise .The gender debate was very enthusiastically participated and main issues discussed were on different attitudes of girls and boys.
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas, pranayama , meditation and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop.