We have a large number of training program modules on various topics that are listed in our brochure.
View BrochuresWe conduct them over a half day or full day depending upon the need.
We also have the expertise to create customised modules.
The Fees are charged based on upon the socioeconomic status of the participants and the Institution that invites us for the program. Click here for inviting us for workshops
Invitation can be sent by an Institution or a individual who is capable of getting a minimum of 10 -20 participants.
Our faculty consists of highly educated doctors and other professionals who are already having a full time profession and give time for these programs as they all have a passion for adolescent well being.
New Age Parenting session was held for residents and doctors of Dept. of Pediatrics and Nursing staff and students. In this session, information about sleep in newborns and infants was given. Faculty was Dr. Swati Bhave, Dr. Sharad Agarkhedkar and Dr.Shailaja Mane, Dr.Geeta Karambelkar gave vote of thanks. About 90 Nursing students, staff and 20 pediatricians participated in this.
AACCI had organised awarenes session on understanding the issues on child sexual abuse in collaboration with ARPAN hosted by Dept.of Pediatrics on 3rd December 2016 from 10.30 am to 12:30pm. Mrs Chandrika, from ARPAN had took a very very interactive and informative session on CSA
Over 150 people attended . they consisted of faculty resident doctors from various departments. Psychologists from various institutes in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad area also participated in it.
The session was very very well appreciated by all. After the session it was announced that a 2 day training workshop is planned to be held for health professional in the coming months. Many of the attendes enrolled for the workshop
A four hour interactive workshop was held from 9to 1 pm for adults to learn above understand and coping with emotions. The various emotions were explained giving the biological and psychological aspects with help of very colorful images and slides. Generation of various emotions was illustrated by role plays by the faculty. An Acitivity sheet was given to help them analyze a recent emotional event. Hands on practice was given on various relaxation techniques after showing illustrative videos .The workshop got a very good feedback.
The faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave, Dr Shailaja Mane, Dr Veena Kundalkar, and Sujata Hingne
AACCI has started a project for Life skills for specially challenged children .Under this AACCI has set up collaboration with a Down's syndrome Parent support group in Pune. Regular programs will be now held for parents on subjects of their choice.
The co-coordinators from the DS group are Chandana Chitale and Jayanti Gadgil
The first program was held on 30th April .The topics included : Genetic counseling , medical problems in DS, special challenges in parenting, coping with the emotions , diet in DS and physical growth and development .
The faculty were Drs Swati Bhave, Shailaja Mane, Swati Joshi, Snehal Apte, Vijay Warad & Veena Kundalkar
Was conducted for Parents of Teens There were 20 parents which included including doctors, teachers and professors. They actively participated in this full day workshop. The participants very actively participated in the group discussions and role plays . More such workshops are planned as this program was very much appreciated
Faculty were Dr. Swati Bhave and Dr.Shailaja Mane .Co- faculty were .Dr Ashwini Kundalkar and Sujata Hingne who did good role plays
A workshop for teachers was organised by PHFI in association with AACCI, HRIDAY, and NCD Child etc. More than 100 teachers and students from various public and private schools in Delhi actively participated in this interactive workshop. Dr. Latika Bhalla, Consultant, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi and Dr Shailaja Mane, AACCI coordinator Pune & Professor of Pediatrics, DY Patil Medical College, and Pimpri Pune had given talks in it. Ms. Kiran Patel, Program Manager, Global Child Health, Department of International Child Health American Academy of Pediatrics had also participated in this session.
Kiran Patel NCD child USA with AACCI Delhi Coordinator Dr Latika Bhalla and AACCI Pune Coordinator Dr Shailaja Mane
A workshop for teachers was organised by PHFI in association with AACCI, HRIDAY, and NCD Child etc. More than 100 teachers and students from various public and private schools in Delhi actively participated in this interactive workshop. Dr. Latika Bhalla, Consultant, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi and Dr Shailaja Mane, AACCI coordinator Pune & Professor of Pediatrics, DY Patil Medical College, and Pimpri Pune had given talks in it. Ms. Kiran Patel, Program Manager, Global Child Health, Department of International Child Health American Academy of Pediatrics had also participated in this session.
Kiran Patel NCD child USA with AACCI Delhi Coordinator Dr Latika Bhalla and AACCI Pune Coordinator Dr Shailaja Mane
AACCI had organised awarenes session on understanding the issues on child sexual abuse in collaboration with ARPAN hosted by Dept.of Pediatrics on 3rd December 2016 from 10.30 am to 12:30pm. Mrs Chandrika, from ARPAN had took a very very interactive and informative session on CSA
Over 150 people attended . they consisted of faculty resident doctors from various departments. Psychologists from various institutes in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad area also participated in it.
The session was very very well appreciated by all. After the session it was announced that a 2 day training workshop is planned to be held for health professional in the coming months. Many of the attendes enrolled for the workshop
A four hour interactive workshop was held from 9to 1 pm for adults to learn above understand and coping with emotions. The various emotions were explained giving the biological and psychological aspects with help of very colorful images and slides. Generation of various emotions was illustrated by role plays by the faculty. An Acitivity sheet was given to help them analyze a recent emotional event. Hands on practice was given on various relaxation techniques after showing illustrative videos .The workshop got a very good feedback.
The faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave, Dr Shailaja Mane, Dr Veena Kundalkar, and Sujata Hingne
A four hour interactive workshop was held from 2 to 6 pm for adults to learn above anger management. The various aspects for anger generation were explained giving the biological and psychological aspects with help of very colorful images and slides. Situations that generate anger were illustrated by role plays by the faculty. An activity sheet was given to help them analyze a recent event of anger. Hands on practice was given on various anger management techniques after showing illustrative videos .The workshop got a very good feedback.
The faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave, Dr Shailaja Mane, Dr Veena Kundalkar, and Sujata Hingne.
AACCI has started a project for Life skills for specially challenged children .Under this AACCI has set up collaboration with a Down's syndrome Parent support group in Pune. Regular programs will be now held for parents on subjects of their choice.
The co-coordinators from the DS group are Chandana Chitale and Jayanti Gadgil
The first program was held on 30th April .The topics included : Genetic counseling , medical problems in DS, special challenges in parenting, coping with the emotions , diet in DS and physical growth and development .
The faculty were Drs Swati Bhave, Shailaja Mane, Swati Joshi, Snehal Apte, Vijay Warad & Veena Kundalkar
Was conducted for Parents of Teens There were 20 parents which included including doctors, teachers and professors. They actively participated in this full day workshop. The participants very actively participated in the group discussions and role plays . More such workshops are planned as this program was very much appreciated
Faculty were Dr. Swati Bhave and Dr.Shailaja Mane .Co- faculty were .Dr Ashwini Kundalkar and Sujata Hingne who did good role plays
The Downs Syndrome support group held their Annual day event. The chidren presented lovely dance performances. This was followed by a lecture on anger management and life skiils for both parents and children by Dr Swati Bhave.
AACCI will be working with this group for various programs in future
Dr Swati Bhave who gave a lecture on Essentials of Adolescent Parenting. She was introduced by Dr Shailaja Mane Associate Professor of Pediatrics. There was a very good interaction from the audience. The Dean of DY Patil Dr. Vatsalaswamy also attended the session and gave the momento.
The afternoon three hour session was for adolescents. This was held in the DNB library hall of Jehangir Hospital The topic was “How to get the best out of yourself in academics and extracurricular activities “The Faculty was Dr Swati Y Bhave, Executive director AACCI, Dr Savita Gaikwad Psychiatrist. The format was group discussions and interactive power-point lectures .The children actively participated in the group discussions and presentation. The feedback was that they enjoyed and learnt a lot from this session
Special educators for (master trainers for teachers & parents in rural Maharashtra appointed by Govt of Maharashtra, around 60 experts from all over Maharashtra. Faculty was Dr Swati Bhave and Dr Vijay Warad .The training was given on early detection of developmental delay, handling of specially challenged children. Handling the parental anxiety and educating parents was also taught .There were a lot of questions asked on the etiology of various developmental delays and genetics
A full day workshop was held for learning how to handle exam stress for both parents and teens . Separate sessions were first taken a combined session for both sets The faculty included Dr Swati Bhave ED AACCI, Dr Naina Kinikar Professor of Pediatrics B.J Medical College Pune and Dr Shailaja Mane Associate Professor of Pediatrics DY Patil Medical College Pune .Interactive lectures and group discussions were taken
A full day workshop was held for learning how to parent adolescents . The faculty included Dr Swati Bhave ED AACCI who spoke on the brain development of adolescents ,Dr Anuradha Sovani Advisor AACCI who spoke on handling psyco-social development Dr Vijay Warad Senior Pediatrician from Pune spoke on styles of Parenting and Pallavi Kelkar Speech therapist at Jehangir spoke on communication skills . Role plays on good communication skills were demonstrated by the faculty The lectures were followed by group discussions and case scenarios with role plays by participants. The participants were highly qualifies parents who were doctors from different specialties, nursing and administrative staff from the Hospital
Dr Swati Bhave ED gave a 3 hour session on the following issues
1) importance of Adoelscent health for India and Medical personelle.
2) Why is it importance to have specialized adolescent health clinics ?
3) Understanding adolescent brain development.
The participants included doctors, nurses and other administrative staff.The session was also attended by the CEO Dr Manisha Bobade , the Executive Assistant Dr Rakesh Shah, head Marketing Akhil Dave . It was a very interactive session and well appreciated
A program was organized by STIMULUS a Preschool in NOIDA , NCR Delhi , from 11am to 1 pm for parents for learning common behavioral issues in children aged 2-5 yrs .This was conducted by ED Dr Swati Y Bhave assisted by Divyakshi Gupta .There were more than 50 parents and the lecture included causes and management of fussy eating , temper tantrums, defiant behaviour etc .the topics chosen were based on questions that were written and sent by parents a week prior to the program . The program was also attended by the Principal Amita Lalit and teachers of the school .The program was highly appreciated and there were still many more new questions in addition to the ones already submitted
There were more than 200 trainee teachers . Dr Swati Bhave first discussed Child and adolescent abuse abuse : causes , detection and prevention and then she talked of use of life skills to prevent abuse and also sharing of AACCI experience of life skill training over last many years. The lecture was well appreciated and there were lots of questions asked.
Dr Sujata Kanhere core faculty AACCI and Professor f Pediatrics, organized a update for the medical faculty of KJ Soumaiya Medical College for understanding various adolescent issues which will help to deal with the teens that come to the hospital as patients and also dealing with teens as parents at home . The update was inaugurated by the Dean Dr Niyogi and well attended by nearly 100 participants including the medical Superintendent Dr Jaju and HOD pediatric Dr Varsha . The speakers were Dr Swati Y Bhave , Dr Anuradha Sovani and Dr Jay Shastri . the topic covered were understanding adolescent brain development , romantic relationships and different sexual orientation . The issue of internet addiction and cybersafety was also dealt with. There was a very interactive question answer session and all the speakers were panelists
AACCI has set up a collaboration at Blue Bell school Gurgaon.on 7th may in the mother's day celebration Dr Swati Bhave and Dr Alka Saxena AACCI faculty and consultant at Gurgaon did a short workshop on types of parenting and communicating with children .The program was well appreciated
A parenting workshop was taken for the managerial level employees of Bharat Petroleum at The Welfare Club at Chembur Mumbai. More than 50 officers attended .The participants enjoyed the interactive sessions and role plays
Dr Swati Bhave conducted a one day workshop at AAI Airport Authority of India at Rajeev Gandhi Bhavan New Delhi .The participants were 60 senior managers from AAI- both males and females.
The topics covered were
1) Types of parenting
2) Understanding adolescent brain development.
There were interactive sessions for group discussions and case scenarios for role plays. the session was highly appreciated by the participants. AACCI has been invited for more workshops
A special session was taken by Dr Swati Bhave for a group of 20 counsellors on how to deal with adolescent issues .There was lot of discussion and every one enjoyed the interactive session
1 Challenges of parenting in the New Millennium
2 Understanding Adolescent behaviour
Welcome address given by Dr Ashok Gupta .Address by Dr secretary of JMA.
Introduction to Dr Bhave by Dr Raj Bhandari
Lectures given by Dr Swati Bhave Executive Director AACCI .There was group of nearly 100 parents
There was very interactive question answer session.
A lot copies of AACCI books were sold these were AACCI teen tips part 1 and AACCI FAQs for parents
Part 1
Other books written by Dr Bhave were also sold :adolescent wonder years by Dr NDTV.com in
English and Hindi by Byward Publications . Anger management English by SAGE publications and Hindi by Diamond publications
Venue SMS school Jaipur auditorium time 7-9 pm Chief guest was Dr Radhakrishnan Nair Head of Dept of Life skill education RGNIYD Chennai Welcome address given by Principal SMS school Neera Mathur Dr Radhakrishnan Nair gave the chief guest address where he gave a inspiring lecture about importance of LSE and the MA program in LSE at RGNIYD There was a very interactive workshop LSE workshop held for the 50 students and more than 40 teachers of SMS school The faculty for these two days were Dr Swati Bhave Executive Director AACCI ,Dr Raj Bhandari Jaipur AACCI coordinator, Dr Sangeeta Yadav Professor Pediatrics in Maulana Medical Medical college Delhi , Divya Shukla Life skill educator RGNIYD, Dr Sunil Saini Clinical psychologists Hissar Haryana The students very much enjoyed the workshop and gave very positive feedback The teachers also found the training very useful
Parenting program held at the SMS school ( Sawai Man Singh) JaipurVenue SMS school Jaipur auditorium time 7-9 pm
Welcome address given by Principal SMS school Neera Mathur Introduction of Dr Bhave by Dr Raj Bhandari
1 Life skill education lecture given by Dr Raj Bhandari
2 Challenges of parenting in the New Millennium given by Dr Swati Bhave
3 Understanding Adolescent behaviour given by Dr Swati Bhave
There was group of nearly 50 parents
There was very interactive question answer session.
A lot copies of AACCI books were sold these were AACCI teen tips part 1 and AACCI FAQs for parents
Part 1
Other books written by Dr Bhave were also sold :adolescent wonder years by Dr NDTV .com in
English and Hindi by Byward Publications . Anger management English by SAGE publications and Hindi by Diamond publications
Venue SMS school Jaipur auditorium time 7-9 pm
Welcome address given by Principal SMS school Neera Mathur
Introduction of Dr Bhave by Dr Raj Bhandari
4 Life skill education lecture given by Dr Raj Bhandari
5 Challenges of parenting in the New Millennium given by Dr Swati Bhave
6 Understanding Adolescent behaviour given by Dr Swati Bhave
There was group of nearly 50 parents
There was very interactive question answer session.
A lot copies of AACCI books were sold these were AACCI teen tips part 1 and AACCI FAQs for parents
Part 1
Other books written by Dr Bhave were also sold: adolescent wonder years by Dr NDTV .com in
English and Hindi by Byward Publications. Anger management English by SAGE publications and Hindi by Diamond publications
Dr Swati Bhave conducted a program for teachers and parents for understanding adolescence.
Dr Swati Bhave conducted a program for teachers and parents for understanding adolescence.
Program for awareness of parenting in adolescence 3-6 pm This was organised by the Head of the Public Health Clinic Dr Agarkar and Dr Sandya There were around 30 participants which includes the doctors and nurses of the clinic and some staff members
The topics discussed were :
This was organised by the Principal of Centre Point School, Aruna Salve. She gave an introductory lecture. Dr Swati Bhave delivered a lecture on understanding adolescence role of teachers in handling adolescent students. Dr Shrikant Chorghade Coordinator AACCI Nagpur spoke on how to communicate with your adolescents. The other speakers were adolescent specialists from Nagpur, Drs Rajiv Mohta and RG Patil. There was a lot of interaction in the question answer session. Parents and Teachers were also asked to put questions in the question box anonymously. Based on these questions a detailed discussion was made on individual problems presented.
AACCI will collaborate with Centre Point School for programs for training teachers and parenting workshops.
This was a program organised by DY Patil Medical College under the joint banner of AACCI .The Dean Brig Amarjeet Singh inaugurated the program .The introduction to understanding adolescence was given by Dr Sharad Agarkedkar, Prof & HOD of Dept of pediatrics . Dr Swati Y Bhave, Executive Director AACCI delivered a lecture on what causes suicide and how parents, teachers can prevent this. Sanjukta Deshpande a Clinical psychologist also gave valuable suggestions on this topic.
Dr Bhave then conducted an active Interactive question answer session where some participants shared their experiences of being a close friend or relative of a person committing suicide. Dr Bhave counselled on how to deal with this situation.
The program was attended by over 150 parents and teachers and there was an excellent feedback with invitations to do this program in their Institutions
This was organised by the Principal of Modern high school, Neeru Kapai. Dr Swati Bhave delivered a lecture on role of teachers in handling adolescent students. There was a lecture by Dr Shirish on cognitive behavioural therapy.
There was a lot of interaction in the question answer session. Teachers were asked to put questions in the question box anonymously. Based on these questions a detailed discussion was made on dealing with internet and pornographic addiction of school students. Many questions on sexuality issues were also answered.
AACCI will collaborate with Modern High school for training teachers and doing LSE workshops in the school.
This was organised by the principal of the South Point School, Neeru Kapai. Dr Swati Bhave gave a lecture on role of teachers in handling adolescent students. DR Shrikant Chorghade coordinator of AACCI Nagpur group gave a lecture on Identity crisis in Adolescents and Dr Rajiv Mohta spoke on Puberty in Adolescents. There was a lot of interaction in the question answer session. Teachers were asked to put questions in the question box anonymously. Based on these questions a detailed discussion was made on dealing with internet and pornographic addiction of school students. Many questions regarding sexuality issues were also answered.
AACCI will collaborate with South Point School for training teachers and doing LSE workshops in the school
This was the first AACCI parent workshop held at KC College Mumbai. There were 25 participants who all had teen children. The LSE methodology followed and most parents did role plays for the first time and highly enjoyed the case scenarios and interactive discussion.
The AACI faculty included Drs Swati Bhave,Anuradha Sovani, Jay Shastri and Samir Dalwai and Sarah Khan from Mumbai, Dr Harish Pemde from Delhi and Dr Aruna Jadish from Bangalore . There were lectures and illustrative cases on various issues like communication with your adolescents, healthy life style, psychosocial and physical development, impact of media and internet, dealing with exam stress, prevention of depression and suicide etc.
As part of the stress management session there was hands on demonstration of some yoga asanas pranayama , meditations and relaxation techniques like progressive muscular relaxation and imagery which was done for the first time by many participants .They found this very useful and promised to make it part of their life to handle stress after this workshop.