Residential Address : 102, Beuna Vista, Gen. J. Bhosle Marg, Mumbai 400021.
M.: 09821131213 Tel. : 22021817, 22022171. Fax. : 22855225
- Born on 16th January 1928 (Hyderabad city, AP)
- Married July 1950, Wife Suneeta and 3 Children : Swati, Madhumati, Vikram
- M.B.,B.S.(Osm.), DTM & H (Eng.), MRCP (Edin.), FRCP(London)
- Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences, India
- Founder Fellow of All India Institute of Diabetes
- Founder Fellow of Indian College of Physicians
- Colombo Plan Fellowship in Nuclear Medicine, Canada,1966 - 67
- Former President of Society of Nuclear Medicine, India 1989
- Former Editor-in-chief, Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine,1990 - 96
- First President, Indian Medical Informatics Association started in 1993
- First President, Nuclear Cardiological Society of India started in 1994
- First President, Society for Free Radial Research of India started in 2000
- Member of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, DAE, Govt. of India for 1990-2001.
- Member of Editorial Board
- Journal of Nuclear Medicine, USA
- Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, USA
- Hon. Chief Physician & Director of Nuclear Medicine & Ex-Medical Director,
- Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai.
- Director of Nuclear Medicine and RIA dept., Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai
- Emeritus Professor of Medicine (for life) and Ex - Dean
- Grant Medical College and Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, Mumbai
- Emeritus Professor: National Academy of Medical Sciences, India.
- President, Independent Ethics Committee, India, started in 1999.
- Member, Rotary Club of Bombay District 3140.
- Chairman, Scientific Advisory Council, Haffkine Institute of Research, Training & Testing, Mumbai,
- Received the Rotary Club's Distinguished Community Service award in 1990.
- 1st recipient of "Gifted Teacher Award" instituted by Association of Physicians of India, 1991
- Padma Bhushan Award, 1992 by the President of India
- Dhanvantari Award, 1997, by the Governor of Maharashtra State
- Hon. Degree of "Doctor of Science"- NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, 2000
- Homi Bhabha Life time achievement award Indian Nuclear Society 2008
- Over 100 Scientific papers and 9 Books
- Principles & Practices of Nuclear Medicine, 1984, Arnold Heinemann
- Ayurveda & Modern Medicine, 1986, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan-2nd Edition 2001
- Computers in Medicine, 1988, 8th Reprint 1997, Tata McGraw Hill
- Medical Profession & the Law, 1992, 2nd Ed. 1993, Sajjan Sons
- Clinical Science & Clinical Research, 1993, 2nd ed. 2008 National Book Depot
- Rural Reconstruction: Challenges & Opportunities, 1996, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. This book is now available on-line in Million Book Digital Library Carnegie Melon, University Pittsburgh, USA
- Clinical Approach, 1997, Oxford University Press, Paperback ed. 2000, 2nd ed 2007 National Book Depot.
- Computers in Medicine: Progress in Medical Informatics: Tata McGraw Hill, January 2005. 3rd reprint 2009.
- Principles & Practice of Nuclear Medicine & Correlative Medical Imaging, 2009, Jaypee Brothers. 2nd ed. 2011.
Important recent publications in relation to Metabolic Syndrome :
- Causation, prevention and reversal of vascular endothelial dysfunction. J Assoc Physicians India. 2007 Sep; 55:643-51.
- Association of Adipocytokine (leptin, adiponectin, TNF, Insulin and Proinsulin with Diabetes The Mumbai Obesity Project. JAPI 2006, Sept, 54, 689-696.
- Proinsulin, C peptide, glucagons, TNF, adiponectin, AMPK; six ignored players in T2DM; JAPI 2010 Jan.
- Ancient Indian Insights and Modern Discoveries in Nutrition, Exercise and Weight Control JAPI; Jan 2012,60, 30-37.
- Beyond reverse pharmacology: Mechanism-based screening of Ayurvedic drugs (Haffkine Oration); JAIM, October 2010, Vol. 1, Issue 4, 257-65.
- Four new approaches for validation of Aurvedic herbal drugs IJAR, Vol. 1 Issue 3 pg., July-Sept. 2010, 136-137.
Research Projects:
Currently undertaken with DBT / DST grants under leadership of Dr. Lele, Chairman, Scientific Advisory Council, Haffkine Institute, Mumbai
- Radiolabelling (Tritium & C14) of Ayurvedic herbal drugs and whole body autoradiography to study their bio-distribution in small animals.
- Inverted loop technique to assess bioavailability of Ayurvedic Herbal Drugs.
- Mechanism-based screening of Ayurvedic herbal drugs with radioligand displacement from receptors.
- In-vivo PET & optical imaging in Transgenic mice with Alzheirmer's Disease to test the effectiveness of10Ayurvedic Medhya Rasayans for prevention and reversal.
- Down syndrome. Alzheimer's Disease: Prospective study to assess benefits of Ayurvedic Medhya rasayans for prevention and reversal. FDG PET/CT imaging for follow-up.