Community Medicine
Dr. Kharya completed his MD in Community Medicine from prestigious institute AIIMS, New Delhi, and prior to that completed his MBBS from MLB Medical College, Jhansi. He has experience in rural health. He is Proficient in diagnosis and management of common illnesses, proficient in providing basic Obstetric and Paediatric care at primary and secondary care level. He has excellent Ability to work well as part of a team and independently. He has presented papers at various national and international conferences, and has submitted papers from his research for publication. Currently, He involved in public health research. He also involved in many voluntary social welfare activities. His basic aim to contribute to the growth of public health in India keeping in line with felt needs of the people and evidence based interventions.
Publications :
- VenkatashivaReddy.B, Arti Gupta, AyushLohiya, Pradip Kharya. Mental Health Issues and Challenges in India: A Review. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2013 ISSN 2250-3153
- Pradip Kharya, Arti Gupta, Hariom Solanki. Road Traffic Accidents so easy to occur, so difficult to prevent: A Review. International. Journal of Current Research Vol. 5, Issue, 04, pp.858-860, April, 2013
- Rizwan Suliankatchi, Abdulkader, AnkitaKankaria, Ronald Roy, VinothGnanaChellaiyan, Pradip Kharya, Ravi Prakash Upadhyay, PalanivelChinnakali. Knowledge and practices regarding child rearing and its association with literacy among married women in a rural area of Tamil Nadu, India: International Journal of Medicine and Public Health | Oct-Dec 2013 | Vol 3 | Issue 4
- He has done research analysis for various papers of AACCI presented in various conferences in 2014-15
- Pattern of adolescent's aggressive behavior, beliefs and attitudes toward violence in school children: A threat to our peers,
- Comparison of aggression in school children of two schools from New Delhi
- Evaluation of internet use activity of school children in a north Indian school: Internet in young hands
- He has 9 other paper presentations in various conferences .